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I was playing around with the technique I used in the last posted videos. I started the same way, but this time I tried adding gradients to a layer mask to vary the look of the black brush strokes.
I wanted color, so I added gradient to layers and changed the composite method. On the first try, I got the following. Not bad for a first try, right? I thought the technique was worth sharing, so in the next 4 videos I created the following image. Hope you like it. It reminds me of flying at dusk.
It gets interesting in the third video. I added gradients to several layers and change the composite method coloring the gray-scale image. In the fourth video I planned to add another gradient to a layer mask, but tried something different and liked the results. I copy merged the image and placed it in place.
I transformed it a bit and then changed the composite method. I loved the moody nighttime feel of this image. A couple of posts ago, I mentioned that did a bunch of videos for Corel about making paper in Painter Corel released the videos yesterday.
Making and using paper in Corel Painter is very important; I can say that it is one of the most important functions in Painter. In this set of videos and the set before, I used papers to create the landscape.
You can get papers for Painter from a lot of sources, but why? It is so easy to make papers and it is fun, too. Take a look at the following videos. Some techniques are basic and perfect for the beginner, but others are for the advanced user. Take a look and while you there, check out Painter Tutorials.
There are a ton of video tutorials. Hi Skip, Im really enjoying your videos on paper th I know I will forget a lot and want to refer to them again at some point. Is there a way to download the videos so that I have them for reference. Thanks — Kimber. I am leaving in an hour or so for a weeks vacation.
I think you can find the method with a google search. Thanks, Skip. Hey Kimber, I am not home yet, but I found this link that be the information that you need. How to Download from You Tube. Enjoy, Skip. Thanks Mr. Allen for your excellent tutorial pack. Hi Antonio, I checked video 11 and it is working for me. Sound is fine. Not sure what to tell you to do. Try again. Oops, you are correct Antonio.
I listened to the first minute and it was working. It stopped working around the 2 minute mark. I checked the original video and it works, so something happened when it was loaded to You Tube.
I have contacted Corel. I am sure they will fix it Monday or soon after that. Thanks for the heads up. Hi Stephen, Can you point me to the video where you saw me using the brushes.
I have many variants and I am not sure which ones you want. I am about to leave for vacation, so it may be a week before I respond, but if you tell me the video, I will make the variants available for you. The great brushes which cought my eye have been used in the ten minutes between hour — I know the variant that you want.
But, it will be a week before I can do it. I mentioned that I am on vacation. I had forgotten…sigh. I just sent them to the email that you provided when you made the comment. Hi Skip, I absolutely love your watercolor paintings, they are simple yet so stunning!
Anytime I see your paintings, I can tell right away its you. You have a wonderful style! Thank you so much for all your helpful videos. If you specify a two-color gradient fill, for example, shadows in the image are mapped to one of the endpoint colors of the gradient fill, highlights are mapped to the other endpoint color, and midtones are mapped to the gradations in between.
Moving images between P16 and Ps is easy enough to use Ps as an intermediate or finishing tool. The technique sounds terrific. Working back and forth between Painter and Photoshop is popular with many users. Thanks for posting the information. Out of my own curiosity, I did some digging into P16 for gradient mapping similar to Ps.
P16 seems to have a similar method as Ps but not called gradient mapping. Hey Doug Thanks for the extra information. I love that function. I have used it mostly in patterns or textures that I am making. They could have been done in a class. It will be fun to see if they are in fact similar.
The Ps vs. P16 results are quite similar maybe identical; not tested. At first blush it would seem P16 has an added control slider functionality advantage. However if in Ps you also apply a curves or levels adjustment layer to the apply gradient layer clip to it , Ps provides additional controls beyond P16…. Might be fun to do another tutorial. Thanks in advance for a response! Hi Dessa, I thought I had made those scripts available on the blog already, but I cannot find them. I know they are available in my class; so maybe I am not remembering where I put them…I have an old brain too.
Anyway, I am sending you the scripts via email and I will try to get them put on the blog soon. Thanks for asking…I really thought they already were on the blog. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email.
This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Main menu Skip to content. Corel Painter , Watercolor, Gradients. Like this: Like Loading Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:.
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